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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Atma Pooja Upanishad

Atma Pooja Upanishad

ॐ तस्य निश्चिन्तनं ध्यानम्॥१॥
oṃ tasya niścintanaṃ dhyānam।

AUM - Meditation is the constant contemplation of That

सर्व कर्म निराकारणं आवाहनम्॥२॥
sarva karma nirākāraṇaṃ āvāhanam॥2॥

Cessation of the cause of all actions is invocation (āvāhanam).

निश्चल ज्ञानं आसनम्॥३॥
niścala jñānaṃ āsanam॥3॥

Non-wavering knowing is the āsana (posture).

उन्मनी भावः पाद्यम्॥४॥
unmanī bhāvaḥ pādyam॥4॥

The upward flow of mind is pādyam, the water for Divine worship.

सदाऽमनस्कं अर्घ्यम्॥५॥
sadā'manaskaṃ arghyam॥5॥

Mind constantly arrowed toward THAT is arghya, the offering.

सदा दीप्तिः अपार अमृत वृत्तिः स्नानम्॥६॥
sadā dīptiḥ apāra amṛta vṛttiḥ snānam॥6॥

To be centered constantly in the inner illumination and in the infinite inner nectar is the preparatory bath for worship.

सर्वत्र भावना गन्धः॥७॥
sarvatra bhāvanā gandhaḥ॥7॥

The feeling of THAT everywhere is gandha, the only fragrance.

दृक् स्वरूप अवस्थानं अक्षताः॥८॥
dṛk svarūpa avasthānaṃ akṣatāḥ॥8॥

To be established in one's own witnessing nature is "akshata," - the unpolished, unbroken rice used for the worship.

चिदाप्तिः पुष्पम्॥९॥
cidāptiḥ puṣpam॥9॥

To be filled with consciousness are the flowers for the worship.

चिदाग्नि स्वरूपं धूपः ॥१०॥
cidāgni svarūpaṃ dhūpaḥ ॥10॥

Igniting the fire of consciousness of self is "dhoop" - incence for the worship.

चिदादित्य स्वरूपम् दीपः॥११॥
cidāditya svarūpam dīpaḥ॥11॥

To be rooted in the sun of consciousness of self is the lamp or Deepak for the worship.

परिपूर्णचन्द्र अमृत रसैकीकरणं नैवेद्यम्॥१२॥
paripūrṇacandra amṛta rasaikīkaraṇaṃ naivedyam॥12॥

Collecting the nectar of full moon of witnessing, shining in the sky of consciousness is the oblation or bhog for the worship.

निश्चलत्वं प्रदक्षिणं॥१३॥
niścalatvaṃ pradakṣiṇaṃ॥13॥

Inner stillness is the revolution or parikrama for the worship of That.

सोहं भावो नमस्कारः॥१४॥
sohaṃ bhāvo namaskāraḥ॥14॥

Feeling of  'I am That' is the regard or salutation for the worship

मौनं स्तुतिः॥१५॥
maunaṃ stutiḥ॥15॥

Silence is the prayer.

सर्व संतोषोविसर्जनमिति स एवं वेद॥१६॥
sarva saṃtoṣovisarjanamiti sa evaṃ veda॥16॥

Complete contentment is the dissolution, the end of the process of the worship. One, who knows this, has attained the ultimate understanding.

सर्व निरामय परिपूर्णोअहमस्मीति मुमुक्षनां मोक्षैक सिद्धिर्भवति॥१७॥
sarva nirāmaya paripūrṇoahamasmīti mumukṣanāṃ mokṣaika siddhirbhavati॥17॥

Realizing the boundless, absolute, interconnected, indestructible and all pervading nature of the self is the salvation.

Thus ends this Upanishat.

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